"You found us. Go ahead and exhale...."

Parental Alienation Reversal Coaching

You are getting a divorce and don’t recognize the way your children are treating you. Your children are hostile and won’t return your text messages or calls. They're hard to reach. They show disdain or little interest in you and you don't know why. Sound familiar?
Dr. Sue and her team know why. It's called parental alienation and it's common in divorces that are high conflict. Children from these divorces can become swayed or brainwashed into believing one of their parents is solely to blame for their current situation.
Is this you?
Are you relying on the family court to solve your high conflict custody battle and getting nowhere?
Do you feel you are being alienated from your children by your narcissistic ex-spouse?
Do you think your children have been brainwashed against you?
Have you turned to numerous therapists or professionals for help with parent alienation and no one understands?
Are you being denigrated by your children, blocked from phone and email contact with them, and want to learn skills to re-bond with your children?
Do you feel you want to co-parent with your ex but he or she will not participate?
Do you fluctuate between hope and hopelessness about reuniting with your alienated children?
“Family Court is a legal system not a family healing system”

What we teach you in
Parental Alienation Reversal Coaching Sessions

Are you frustrated that traditional therapy has not worked for your high conflict /alienation situation?
You are not alone.
Traditional therapy is not the path to healing. Alienated parents need specifically designed action plans and strategies to turn their cases around.
Through their coaching, Dr. Sue and her team of experts teach you their proven hands-on tools, language, and communication skills to help YOU reconnect with your children. We do this most compassionately.
Our Alienation and High Conflict Resolution Professionals help you to:
Set a mindset where you become empowered to accept and move through your alienation situation.
Reduce your stress by gaining an understanding of your alienator’s motives and refraining from feeding into them. This takes time, practice, and specific skills.
Create a customized action plan to reverse your alienation situation.
Learn how to step back and reduce your desire to respond to your alienator’s controlling chaotic behaviors by teaching you our “Stop, Step-Back, and Respond” method.
Learn the specific language that opens up dialogue with your children and alienator that only they can hear. This communication helps you to become closer to your alienated children.
Maintain clear physical and emotional boundaries. This will help protect against the influences of the alienating parent.
Focus on alternating your behavior not the alienators.
Stop feeling intimidated by the alienator. The alienating parent gets their power from frightening, threatening, and intimidating the targeted parent.
Empower yourself to become proactive rather than reactive to the alienating parent.
Many targeted parents invest tremendous energy and time in attempts to convince the alienating parent that what they are doing is harmful and unfair to the children and themselves. This is a complete waste of time and in most cases, it makes things worse because it provides more opportunities to create conflict.